Club 3D Mini 60hz DisplayPort 1.2 to HDMI 2.0 UHD 4K Adapter Review

CAC-1170-3d-BOX-HRFinally, after years of waiting, it’s now possible to watch your 4K(UHD) PC content on your Ultra definition TV at 60hz and we received both version of Club 3D new adapters, the mini display 1.2 and the one for display port 1.2

  • CAC-1170 (Mini DisplayPort 1.2 to HDMI 2.0)
  • CAC-1070(DisplayPort 1.2 to HDMI 2.0)

Both adapters are capable of doing 60hz at 4k.  Does it really work? Here’s our review.

The tests have been performed using a iMac 5k with the Mini DisplayPort version of the active adapter using MacOS 10.10 and 10.11.  We also have HDMI cables that supports 10Gbps.  If you don’t have a fast enough cable, you will probably get a black screen or glitches.

MacOS :  it didn’t work! We’ve tried both operating system, Yosemite and El Capitan.  It detects a TV at 30hz and there are no options to select 60hz.  I don’t think this is something related to the product, but more to Apple.  They don’t support alot of accessories that are not Apple certified.

Windows  : However, using Bootcamp(booting in your Windows partition on your Mac), it worked like a charm.  4K contents at 60hz looks so great on big screen.

Back to Mac users.  You will be disappointed for now, but I am pretty sure it’s just a matter of tweaking some files and it will work. I have seen in the past the need to do tweaking to make MacOS detect the screen as a monitor instead of a TV and it worked.  I will be playing with the files and write my updates in here.  If you find a way before me, please update in the comment section.

Update : after couple of hours, we’ve started seeing lines flickering with the mini display to HDMI 2.0.  We’ve ordered different cables, shorter and with better speed and it’s the same problem.  It’s safe to say that the problem is Club 3D Mini Display.   Also, the problem occur mostly when there are lots of moving pixels are on screen, like 4K movies(YouTube or VLC).  I haven’t contacted the company yet, but will as soon as I can.  As for the Display to HDMI 2.0 version, we haven’t seen any problems(tested with Radeon R9 290x).

Club 3D DisplayPort 1.2 to HDMI verdict : It has the WINGS to fly

  • Reviewed with an iMac 5k
  • Released by Club 3D
  • Release date:  January 4th, 2016 (previously announces for December 21st)

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